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Chairman's Message

Patrick Ong

Dear brothers and sisters in ZLSCC 


In every AGM we always reflect with thanksgiving on the Lord's faithfulness and His goodness to ZLSCC. For this AGM, however, I would like us to reflect on a personal sensing of the Lord's warning or instructions.


I am sharing this with all ZLSCC members because of a two-word phrase, "playing church" which came to my mind and spirit during one Sunday worship service. And l sensed that it could be potentially a warning for ZLSCC from the Lord. I believe from there the Lord had led me to share on the pulpit the need of having personal spiritual disciplines in the word of God, personal worship and fasting.


My prayer is that through these spiritual disciplines of scripture memory, worship and fasting, it will not just merely be about the spiritual disciplines but much more a journey of faith with the Lord where each of us in ZLSCC can go deep into His word and build faith, into personal worship and build intimacy, and into fasting and build our spirit.


Worship Ministry

Rebecca Lim


Thank God for His grace and anointing upon us. I thank God that everyone is faithfully serving and putting aside time to come for rehearsals.

The worship team came together to write the song ‘Living Water’ for church camp. It was indeed a fruitful time as we gathered and learnt from one another. We have also written another 2 songs last year and have played verses during our congregational worship.

We also thank God for Zach Bryan, who stepped up to serve as a drummer.

YEAR 2024

As we started the year, this verse was shared with the team, John 15:4-8

4 Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. 5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. 6 If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. 7 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. 8 This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.

Moving forward, the worship team has decided to:

  1.  Gather together intentionally every month for a time of worship, sharing and prayer for one another.    This is to uphold and encourage one another.

  2.   Streamline the team hence having acoustic sets for 3 weeks on Sundays and on the last week of the            month, we will have a full band to serve.

  3.   We are also looking to gather for a writing song retreat this year.


Stephanie Tay


“Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones", Proverbs 16:24.  We want to sincerely thank and appreciate our MKC leaders who are planning, preparing and teaching the children every week, faithfully and diligently.  Pauline Giam, Rachel Giam, Eugene Giam, Doreen Lee, Jethro Khoo, Zachary Khoo, Ezann Foo, Janice Gay, Rachel Ong, Evan Tay and Steph Tay have extended not only their time and effort but also their love in serving God and our church. We want to specially appreciate sister Sui Kum for her willingness to help when we were short in manpower (as some of our leaders are also involved in other ministries). Indeed, her experience and wisdom is very much valued.


Year 2023

One of the highlights for last year is going through the book of Acts, emphasizing a bible story from every chapter. During the last quarter of 2023, we had 3 outreach activities:

-  Venus Flytrap Excursion

-  Racing Car & Crochet Mini-whale Toy Making

-  Cookies Making


In 1st quarter of 2024, we completed 1 outreach activity, with 5 more planned for the rest of 2024:

- Cornflakes Cookies Making


MKC would like to sincerely appreciate Joanne Gay, Diane Tan and Jillian Ngiam for conducting these outreach activities.

Praise God indeed! We must commend our children for making effort to invite their friends and we had 10 children (Callan, Jared, Dansen, Kayla & Caleb, Ashley, Miko & Micah, Pitcha & Kayla from our community) and 5 parents who participated in our outreach activities. Dansen has since been joining MKC regularly.


Moving forward to 2024

We are constantly amazed how God is always aligning even the children to the plans of the church at large. At the beginning of 2024, God has put into MKC plans to emphasize on Memory Verses for this year. Thus, we started the children with memorizing the whole chapter of Psalm 23. Memory Verses were printed out for the children to bring home and a variety of activities were conducted to help the children recite and repeat the verses every week.


For the rest of the year, MKC will be aligned with church using the same scripture memory verses and lessons will be centered around these verses. We are excited that the whole family, together with the children are memorizing the scripture together!

Prayer Ministry

Catherine Leong

1 Thessalonians 1:2 (New King James Version)

We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers.

I want to thank all the intercessors for their perseverance in prayers. There were times they were discouraged and down but God is their source of strength and comfort.

This year the Lord impressed upon me the passage of the 5 ready virgins and 5 who wanted to buy oil but the door was closed. He wanted us to BE PREPARED AND READY. How to be ready and prepared is to walk close with the Lord on a daily basis and reading His word and seek the counsel of the holy spirit.

Only through prayers and intercession, He will reveal to us what is in his heartbeat for Israel and the nations beyond.

I would like to thank both Pastors and the leadership for their support and encouragement.

PA Ministry

Derek Giam

The team has been steadily supporting the church in most events besides worship rehearsals and Sunday Services. 

Currently the team has grown and the older crew has been encouraging and training the newbies to handle the equipment. Gilda has again shown great leadership skills. She has been a pillar of the PA Ministry to assist with the training and provide guidance to the team members. Under her leadership, Evan and Zachery are now able to fulfil all the roles of the PA team and they have been actively assisting the team. With added training by Pastor Philip, the team has learnt techniques on tuning vocals, equalization to reduce unwanted frequencies, compression to reduce the level of peaks, etc…

In terms of spiritual growth, the team has been very involved in the monthly get-together with the Worship Ministry, sharing spiritual journeys, prayers and testimonies. We also share our devotions and insights of our readings with each other, review the memory verses via our Telegram group. It is very encouraging to see them growing spiritually in Christ and gaining technical proficiencies to serve the Church.

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BTJ Report

Elder Goh Kng Yan

The focus this year is on

1.  Praying for preparation of the Lord's second coming from the book of Acts.

2.  Praying for Israel and the BTJ nations through the prophetic Word.

3.  Praying for Partners in the field as we receive their from Israel, Iran, Lebanon,          Turkey, Central Asia 

4.  Praying for the younger generation 

5.  Praying for intercessors welfare and trips to the BTJ nations.


Average of more than 20 intercessors gather on zoom to pray every Saturday morning. Apart from above, giving to those who are ministering in the BTJ nations as the Lord leads.

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