MightyKids' Club
The whole of 2018 was rather a status-quo year for MKC, with no increase of children nor new community work done. Pauline (Kindies) and I (Primaries) have combined our resources to have 1 bible lesson class.
The highlight of 2018 was mainly during bible lessons, the children observed for themselves from the bible passages using S.O.A.P. for life application. In addition to that we also spent time on praying for Church, Singapore and Israel at the end of every lesson.
Looking ahead to our own church premises and the community surrounding us, we will be focusing on plans to introduce MKC to the community. Action plans are in the works, starting with prayer walking around the community, together with MKC children. Our current curriculum and program structure are already in place, both for church and community children.
As for our current church children, we have gone back to the basics of the bible, starting from Genesis (using the 10-year series). One main highlight of our bible lessons is to have every child reads directly from the bible passages, with the teacher constantly prompting with questions. At the end of every 3 months, we will recap every lesson learnt through Bible Quiz Bingo, enhancing memory work. We have also brought back our own children for Praise & Worship time.
We are currently looking to recruit our own committed musicians and children helpers. If you are looking for a ministry to serve God and is keen to work with children, come and join us! Feel free to approach Pauline or myself for any clarification.